workshops - taste

Powerful Stories: Jenever
Alwine van Winsen | 34,50 euro | 120 min | Dutch spokenVoorstelling: Sunday 11 May 19:30 | Mister Kitchen
Old and young Jenever (also commonly known as Dutch Gin) are typical
specialities of the lowlands. An old form of corn wine with the addition
of juniper berries, due to their alleged medicinal effects, became very
popular during the reign of Willem III in the 17th century. This liquor
is surrounded by powerful stories that will come to life during this
Nowadays, it's unimaginable to connect a Jenever with the traditional Dutch Brown café. But both the grain variant, and the traditional Jenever produced using pure alcohol still remain popular amongst enthusiasts. Then of course, Jenever is quickly necked as a component of the Kopstootje (the Dutch beer cocktail).
The rich story of Dutch gin has been given pride of place in the Jenever Museum in Schiedam. During the FFF, museum director, Alwine van Winsen together with the assistance of a distiller will conduct a tasting of various Jenevers. During this tasting, the best stories will be shared, the history of its production and the numerous varieties that exist. For example, the 'old' version of Jenever, Graan Jevener, closely resembles those from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
To compliment the tasting, a simple dish will then be cooked in which Jevener is used as an ingredient: Onion Soup, with home-distilled Old Schiedam - a special, highly valued product that also features in the Slow Food's "Ark of Taste" list, for its commitment to craft and heritage preservation. This workshop is for anyone curious about the classic Dutch gin, and would like to learn how to appreciate its true value.
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