workshops - cook

Skills: Caesarsalade

Skills: Caesar Salad

Verschillende chefs | 14,50 euro | 60 min | Dutch spoken

Nothing beats a good Caesar salad. According to many chefs you can measure the quality of a chef through this classic dish. Is the egg just right, does the seasoning has the right taste and what about the herbs? During this skill-workshop you will learn how to prepare the perfect Caesar salad with only a few basic ingredients.

Traditionally, a Caesar Salad has eight ingredients: Roman lettuce, croutons, garlic, Parmesan cheese, an egg, olive oil, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice. The most famous salad ever been made was named after its inventor, the Italian-American Caesar Cardini. Here's the story: during a busy Fourth of July in 1924 the chef, a problem occurred. Only a few ingredients were available in the kitchen. But he managed to build a delicious salad with them.

In the workshop you will learn the secrets to this salad. The FFF chefs teach you how to pouch your eggs perfectly, how to make a crisp from cheese and how to cut your herbs nice and finely. And, not to forget about the absolutely essential and velvety dressing.

Extra: you can win more than skills with this workshop. Make a picture of your own Caesar Salad, post it on Instagram an tag Food Film Festival. The best picture wins a great prize!

Foto: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt 

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