workshops - cook

Learning how to ferment
Pepijn Schmeink & Remco van Erp | 34,50 euro | 120 min | Dutch spokenVoorstelling: Sunday 11 May 12:00 | Mister Kitchen
Kimchi, yoghurt, wine, sour-dough bread, kombucha and sauerkraut. At first glance, this may seem like an odd assortment, but they have one thing in common. All of them are an example of fermented foods.
Fermentation is a process that has been used by man for thousands of years. It's a classic method of preserving food for later - before the refrigerator was invented. In addition, for centuries fermented foods have also been known for their health qualities, possessing bacteria that takes good care of your abdomen. During fermentation, nutritious bacteria, fungi and yeasts are also formed.
Today, fermentation is a widely used process in professional kitchens to bring out complex freshness and Umami in dishes. But this doesn't mean you can't make your own fermented creations at home. In this workshop, Pepijn Schmeink (of Restaurant Dertien), and Remco van Erp are two chefs from Rotterdam who will both teach you the various applications of fermentation.
They will focus on Dutch products such as making flower acid (cauliflower sauerkraut), kefir and the fermentation of juices. At the end of the workshop, you'll be given your very own kefir starter kit, so you can start experimenting with fermentation at home.
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