films - short

Caballeros del cafe
Fleur Launspach, Bram van Lieshout | The Netherlands | 2013 | 15 min | Spanish spoken | English subtitlesVoorstelling 1: Friday 9 May 17:00 | KH 1
Voorstelling 2: Saturday 10 May 14:30 | KH 2 + 3
"A cup of coffee in your country costs more than a pound of coffee here,” says Colombian coffee grower Ivan in the opening seconds of Caballeros del cafe. Prices have plummeted in the coffee-producing country and growers are struggling to survive.
The two coffee farmers featured in this beautifully shot short documentary tell it like it is. With wry humour, Ivan looks back at how things used to be, his dreams for the future and the everyday reality.
Caballeros del cafe is part of the Hodgepodge shorts block and has been selected for the FFF Short Food Film Competition 2014.
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