films - fiction

The Green Butchers Classic
Anders Thomas Jensen | Denmark | 2003 | 100 min | Danish spoken | English subtitlesVoorstelling 1: Friday 9 May 16:30 | MC Theaterzaal
Voorstelling 2: Saturday 10 May 22:00 | KH 1
After falling out with their boss, friends Bjarne and Svend decide to go into the butchery business together. Bankruptcy looms, however, until a tragic accident provides them with a dubious new cut. The butcher’s shop suddenly becomes the busiest place in town. But how long can it last?
The Green Butchers is a black comedy from Denmark. Released in 2003, it is surprisingly topical. The down-on-their-luck lead characters are keen to make their business a success, but opening day is alarmingly quiet. In a moment of panic, Svend stumbles across a new source of meat.
The new meat is popular with customers, but its success means the duo finds it increasingly difficult to keep their secret ingredient a secret. In light of the recent meat scandals, this finely cut comedy is not even that farfetched. Horse meat, eat your heart out.

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