films - documentaries

The Moo Man + Q&A
Andy Heathcote | England | 2012 | 98 min | English spoken | English subtitledVoorstelling 1: Saturday 10 May 18:30 | KH 2 + 3
Voorstelling 2: Sunday 11 May 10:30 | KH 1 + Q&A
There is a special bond between a farmer and his cows. British dairy farmer Stephen Hook spends every day with his ladies. The family business and the herd are everything to him and so he does everything to avoid cost-cutting supermarkets and large, impersonal production methods.
The Moo Man is an award-winning documentary about the relationship between a farmer and his animals. Hook knows each member of his unruly herd by name and treats each one with loving care. Ida, his favourite, sometimes receives a little extra attention. The commercial side of farm life is not quite as straightforward, but Hook and his family make it work.
In this heart-warming documentary, both humans and bovines are beautifully portrayed. The Moo Man paints a charming picture of an endangered profession and life's simple pleasures.
Note: Only on Sunday The Moo Man will be followed by a Q&A with Steve Hook, the main character of the film, and Bas de Groot, a milk sommelier at Terroir Rauwe Melk.
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