
How to open a Food Film Festival
21:00 sharp, Sharon Dijksma (secretary of state of economics) has yesterday officially opened the Food Film Festival 2014 in front of a big crowd. A three day long event which will consist of a Michelin star Restaurant, parties, lots of food, events and of course film.
As a matter of fact, #foodfilm has been a trending topic on twitter all day long yesterday. During the opening, both Joris Lohman and Helen Kranstauber stressed the ongoing urgence of this festival, of which this year is the fourth installment. Through means of awards for movies, the festival tries to contribute to a lasting role of food films in culture.
Both Janno Lanjouw, managing director, and Samuel Levie, founder of the festival, showed the broader importance of a festival like this. The Food Film Festival tries to address the bigger issues in food in a creative way, such as a debate about fish or GMO seed. Sharon Dijksma describes the festival as the "hottest place to be”. Sure thing, as the succes of the first day shows: a fully booked restaurant, happy people, good food and interesting and challenging workshops.
Saturday and sunday will be equally interesting days with a big debate about fish, seed, chef lunches and some of the newest and best movies about food to be found. Be there!
Foto: Ayako Nishibori
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