
Today Ticket Sale!
This Saturday April 12th: Tickets for the Film Food Festival 2014 will go on sale on 11:00 h. Make sure you are ready for it, experience tells us the sale can fly.
Starting this Saturday April 12th at 11 am, tickets will be available for the workshops, film, parties, and the pub quiz. Ticket sale is provided through this website. The button 'Tickets' in the menu on the left side will lead you, from tomorrow on, to the ticket shop. It is advicable to know what you want to buy in advance. The search option that appears when buying tickets will make it easy to find your favourite film or workshop.
Note: always check if you buy a ticket for the right day and time. All films will be shown more than once. Also the Stop-Motion workshop is organized on two different times on Saturday May 10th.
More English events than ever!
Good to know: All films are either English spoken or English subtitled. Also the workshops Swedish Smörrebröd, Modern Indian Classics and The culinary bug adventures of Ben Reade are in English. We can also recommend the (free) events The Great Seed Issue and the Key Note by 'rockstar farmer' Joel Salatin to all international visitors.
Discount for SFYN members
SFYN (Slow Food Youth Network)
is part of the international Slow Food movement. People up till 30 can become a member through the Slow Food Website. A SFYN or Slow Food member gets two euro's discount on film tickets. Be sure to choose this option when buying tickets, and bring your Slow Food pass and identity card to the festival!
The complete schedule is available in Dutch and can be downloaded as a pdf here.
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