
Mouthwatering movies: Mette te Velde
In Mouthwatering movies, a well-known person from the food or film world tells us about his or her most memorable, sensual or belly-shaking film scene or food film. This week we talk to Mette te Velde, founder of Strawberry Earth, a green platform and deal website that proves that a sustainable lifestyle can be awesome.
"A good food scene is one that hits you right in the gut. It immediately makes you want to cook, gets your mouth watering and excites your imagination. Or it disgusts you. I have chosen a scene from the short film Leven (Life) by director Aniƫlle Webster and producer Trent. I saw it during the green film gala at the EYE Film Institute in Amsterdam, which screened the films by the six finalists of the Green Film Making Competition 2012, who produced their films as sustainably as possible. Leven was the winning entry.
The film is about a jaded biology teacher who still lives with his parents. His parents obviously love each other deeply. Every evening the father lovingly ties his wife’s apron and she prepares a traditional meal for her family. One day she drops dead during dinner – leaving father and son behind with no one to cook for them. They are condemned to frozen pizza. The son decides to learn how to cook like his mother; it might cheer up his father. Little by little the son discovers how much fun cooking is. For the first time he really looks at a tomato and is amazed by what a miracle it is. He has finally found something in his life that inspires him, but his father remains despondent and is clearly tired of life. So the son decides to ‘release’ him.
The scene in which the son serves his father his last meal is sad but also intensely moving: poisoning someone out of love sounds repulsive, but when you see the film, you understand why the main character does it. His father is so devastated by the loss of his wife that nothing can lift his spirits. The son does his best to prepare a delicious last meal. As the father eats the food, you see a mixture of sadness and fear in his son’s eyes.”
Leven is a funny, poetic film about a melancholy biology teacher who is well aware that death is a natural part of life – until his mother suddenly dies during dinner. The father, overcome with grief, confronts his son with the fact that there is a choice. The son realises that while his life is just beginning, his father’s life is coming to an end.
We were unable to find a trailer, but we did find a ‘making of’ video that shows how a green film is produced:
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