
Korean cooking with Yokiyo (NL)
Yokiyo | | 120 min |Voorstelling: Sunday 24 March 17:30 | Van Niftrik
Korean kitchen is not yet very well-known in Holland, but this will change shortly. The small vegetable-based dishes are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Learn to make Korean social food in this vegetarian workshop.
Korean cuisine exist of small, spicy dishes of (mostly) fermented vegetables, tofu and smoked or roasted meat, which is shared during the meals. Kimchi is one of the best known meals, and what to think of Kimbap (picture)?
The cooks of the recently opened restaurant Yokiyo will show you the Korean cuisine and learn you how to cook Korean style. The restaurant, situated on the Wallen in Amsterdam has been showered with good critiques since it opened, and according to food journalists, Korean will be the "hottest" kitchen of 2013!
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