
Arabia makes Hummus (NL)
Nadia Zerouali en Merijn Tol | | 165 min |Voorstelling: Saturday 23 March 09:15 | Van Niftrik
Whose is the hummus? Many countries claim it as their national dish, but hummus is generous and fills many hungry mouths. And what about spelling? No matter how you spell it or whose dish it is, it tastes better when you make it yourself. How? Learn it in this workshop.
Realise: there is hummus and hummus. Once you have self made tried soft and creamy hummus, you will not be able to eat the factory variation hummus. Do you want to learn the secret of a real filming hummus, and taste the difference between a Palestinian and a Lebanese hummus? Why do you need to soak the peas? Visit this workshop, and maybe you will start your Arab eating career here.
Nadia Zerouali and Merijn Tol have been involved with the Food Film Festival from day one. The last few years, these two have traveled through Morocco, Sicily, Sardinia, Andalusia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestina, Libia and Catalunya. Through cooking with locals, they have learned all about Arab influence on food. This has led to the cookbooks 'Arabia', 'Bismilla Arabia' and 'Arabia bij je thuis'. Nadia and Merijn also have their own show about Arab Kitchen on the 24kitchen channel.
The workshop connects to the movie Make Hummus Not War, which investigates which land can call hummus its own: Israel, Palestina or Lebanon. Why could their shared love not be a recipe for peace between these countries?
Before this workshop, Merijn and Nadia will take you to the nearest Turkish & Moroccan supermarket, to get to know some rather secretive products. We gather at exactly 9:15 at the Meatingpoint, Timorplein, to shop. At 10 o'clock we will be back at van Niftrik and start making our own hummus.
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