
Cheers?! (NL)
Harold Hamersma | Tasting | 90 minVoorstelling: Sunday 24 March 20:00 | Cybersoek
Harold Hamersma writes about wine, and it is good fun. Not alone that, but he can lecture about in a very interesting way. In this tasting, Harold will introduce you in the world of vin naturel, biological wine and bio-dynamical wine. These wines dominate the menu's of the best restaurants in Paris and Kopenhagen.
But what are natural wines? And why are these wines better than other wines? And do good intentions make a drinkable wine? Together with Harold, you will learn to distinguish fact from fiction about good wine.
Harold Hamersma is the NRC and Parool writet about wine and co-founder of He has written a number of bestsellers about wine.
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