
Bottled Life NL premiere
Documentary | Urs Schnell | Switzerland | 2012 | 90 min | Multilingual spoken | English subtitlesVoorstelling: Friday 22 March 17:45 | Studio/K 2
Nestlé is the world's largest food company and chairman Peter Brabeck is quite clear: access to water is crucial for the corporation. The multinational thus claims to strive for sustainable access to water for people, the environment and the company. But how sustainable is it to put water in bottles?
Nestlé is now the largest food and beverage company in the world, but has its origins in Switzerland, where Henri Nestlé first began bottling local mountain water more than a century ago. The multinational promotes its humble roots and brandishes such noble concepts as ‘corporate social responsibility’, which states that the company’s mission is to provide everyone in the world with clean drinking water.
As long as it is clean water from one of Nestlé’s many brands, it seems. Using clever marketing techniques, consumers worldwide are led to believe that tap water is 'unhealthy'. In countries where that claim is valid, the introduction of bottled water is often the final blow to the already inadequate public water supply. And that drives the poor into the arms of companies like Nestlé.
Bottled Life shows how chairman Brabeck’s slick words should always be understood in terms of what they mean for the company’s profitability. Because profit seems to be Nestlé's driving force.
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