
The Fish Fall in Love
Speelfilm | Ali Raffi | Iran | 2006 | 90 min | Farsi spoken | English subtitlesVoorstelling: Sunday 24 March 20:45 | Studio/K 2
After a 20-year absence, Aziz returns to his hometown on the Caspian Sea with the intention of selling his family’s possessions. To his surprise, he finds four women have turned his family home into a thriving restaurant. Against the backdrop of their fantastic dishes, Aziz is confronted with his complex past.
The four cooking squatters are less than pleased with the taciturn Aziz’s sudden arrival, all too aware that he may throw them out. The plan to convince Aziz to keep the restaurant open by cooking a delicious dish for him every day is complicated by the fact that one of the women, beautiful Atieh, has a history with him.
Things are not easy for Aziz either. The arrest of a young man who reminds Aziz of his younger self, the reunion with old friends and the meals prepared by the rebellious Atieh take him completely by surprise.
The Fish Fall in Love became an instant food classic on its release. Iran's rich cuisine is frequently and lovingly portrayed and forms the backdrop against which events unfold. The film is loosely based on the Persian fable of Sherazade and has the exoticism one would expect from renowned Iranian cinema. The film is also a subtle (otherwise it would never have made it past the censors) but unmistakable indictment of the repressive Iranian regime.
Below is a scene from the film:
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