
Land Rush + SHORT
Documentary | Hugo Berkeley & Osvalde Lewat | Mali, United States | 2012 | 58 min | Multilingual spoken | English subtitlesVoorstelling 1: Saturday 23 March 20:30 | Studio/K 1
Voorstelling 2: Sunday 24 March 16:00 | Kriterion 1
Land grabbing is referred to as ‘colonisation of the market’: foreign
investors buy large swathes of land in developing countries to grow food
for the global market. Small farmers who have often worked the land for
generations are unceremoniously removed from their property. But states
welcome the investors because they bring in money and encourage
In Land Rush we see the effects of the explosive rise in food prices in 2008. Arab and Asian companies buy fertile land in Mali to produce food for their own and the global markets – but in any event not for the Malian market. This is disastrous for the Malinese, 75% of whom are farmers.
We also meet American investor Mima Nedelcovych, for whom the involvement and support of the local population are prerequisites for his projects. His plans to establish a large sugarcane plantation and provide social services have a polarising effect on thousands of farmers in the region. While some enthusiastically subscribe to the plans, others vehemently oppose it.
Land Rush clearly shows the difficulties of achieving ‘development’ in developing countries. Although Nedelcovych’s idea of development appears to have the population’s best interests at heart, in reality the poorly educated smallholders invariably draw the short straw. Especially in a politically unstable country like Mali.
Please note: This film is preceded by an FFF Short.
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Farmer Jack Animation | Arjan Wilschut | The Netherlands | 2012 | 14 min | no dialogue Farmer Jack started small, like all farmers. He lovingly tends to his cows, chickens and sheep, but when prices drop he feels compelled to scale up his operation. What impact will this have on his farm? |
saturday 23 march 20:30 | Studio/K 1 | sunday 24 march 16:00 | Kriterion 1 | Without short! |
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