
It's nice and warm at the Food Film Festival!
It might be March but it's freezing out there – and we have so many fun things planned outside! For that reason, the open mic night has been moved from Friday to Saturday when we will have a heated tent. And lots of blankets.
Of course we checked the weather forecast in the days leading up to the festival, but we didn't expect it to be this cold... Luckily we ordered some extra heat and from Saturday there will be a warmed tent on Timorplein and plenty of thick blankets. The open mic night will now take place in the tent from 18.30 to 19.00 and Emil Landman’s performances have been moved from 19.30 to 19.50 and from 20.15 to 20.35.
There will be things happening all day on and around the square and in the Leuk Tentje, so dress warmly and don't leave our stallholders, musicians and food truck chefs out in the cold. The Food Film Festival will warm your body and soul, trust us!
Photo: Mitchell van Voorbergen
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