
This year the Food Film Festival Market is bigger, better and more local than ever. On Saturday and Sunday, Timorplein will be transformed by farmers, bakers, butchers, cheese makers and baristas who all have one very important thing in common: a great story.
And it’s a story they are happy to share. Discover the most diverse and lovingly made products and the people behind them. Each one is contributing to a better food system. And we think it’s important to bring together food producers and consumers.
Who will be at the market?
De Goede Vissers, Cider Andreas, De Krat, Firma Moes, Imker Hortensius, De Kookboekhandel, Lindenhoff, Nieuw Vers, Brandt & Levie, Nougat en Zo, Oedipus Brewing, Oldenhof, Ruud Maaz, Tethys, Trash 2 Treasure, Vanilla Venture, Vis van Henry, Vlaamsch Broodhuys, Willem & Drees, Zoet, Zuur & Zout, Pieksman, Eriks Delicatessen, Too Good to Waste and many more.
Meet the farmer
The market includes ‘meet and greets’ with real farmers. Ask them everything you’ve ever wanted to know: How many days per year do cows graze outside? What’s the difference between conventional, organic and free-range eggs? What exactly are battery farms? Young farmers who are affiliated with the Nederlands Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt (Dutch Agricultural Youth Contact) will be happy to answer questions from even the most critical urbanites.
Slow Food
For the first time we also have a large selection of Slow Food producers. Slow Food is an international organisation that protects biodiversity via our plates: special products are registered in an on online database. In this way, Slow Food ensures that these products continue to exist and are not wiped out by the aggressive marketing of the food industry.
When and where?
The market will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 to 19.00 on Timorplein.
Photo: Saskia van Osnabrugge