Location and route

Head location: Studio/K
Timorplein 62
1094 CC Amsterdam
By bike/public transport
Studio/K is situated in the old artisan school at Timorplein, Borneostraat in the Indische buurt in Amsterdam. It is reachable by tram 14 (stop Zeeburgdijk or Javaplein) or by bus 22 or 65 (stop Javaplein). Timorplein is within walking distance of train station Muiderpoort.
Also very close: tram 3 and 7 (stop Station Muiderpoort), tram 10 (stop Zeeburgerstraat) and bus 37 or 40 (stop Station Muiderpoort). Lastly, night bus 359 (stop Zeeburgerdijk or Javaplein).
By car from Central Station
Take the Prins Hendrikkade in the eastern direction (900m). At the Scheepvaartmuseum, turn left and then directly turn right towards the Oosterburgergracht. After 800 meters, turn right to the Sarpathistraat, and directly turn left to the Zeeburgerstraat (with the mill at your left hand). After 200 meter, turn left to the Zeeburgerdijk. Drive through the viaduct, and after the viaduct, directly turn right to the Borneostraat. After 200 meters, you will find the Timorplein-building on your left hand.
Directions from Central Station
From monday through saturday from 21.00 o'clock and on sundays, parking is free.
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External filmlocation: Kriterion
Workshoplocation: Van Niftrik traiteurs
Zeeburgerdijk 54 A
1094AE Amsterdam
Directions from Studio/K
Cybersoek is next to Studio/K